How much can I borrow?

Who is applying for the mortgage

1 of 5

Whats your joint annual income?

Annual income (before tax)


Additional income (e.g. overtime, bonuses and commission)

2 of 5

How much do you owe in total on credit cards, loans and overdrafts?

3 of 5

How many children under 18 do you have?

4 of 5

How much have you saved for a deposit?

5 of 5
The maximum you could borrow from most lenders is around:


The calculation shows how much lenders could let you borrow based on your income. The amount shown is an estimate based on a multiple of your sole or joint income. You need to go directly to a lender to find the exact amount they can lend you. Each lender has their own way of checking how much you can borrow, and they look at your credit history and spending habits to help decide.
Including your £0 deposit, you could be able to buy a house costing


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Need help or want to borrow more?

You may be able to borrow more than the amount above. An expert mortgage broker like L&C can help you choose the right mortgage and give you a personalised borrowing amount.

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